Sunday, July 4, 2010 | |

Every year around my birthday I have this tendency to make some drastic steps that brings about a new me (at least some part of new me) . Two years back out of whim I went and got my hair poker straight. I spent a whole day , morning to evening at the salon getting ma hair freaking straight. At a time where I really wanted to never look at the mirror and see myself I thought getting a new look should do the trick. Guess what it did at least temporarily.

Last year it was all about enjoying my birthday. Trust me guys since I was 23 I always had this 'ooo am getting old syndrome' Guess what I breezed through the last one. Phew and yes also left a lot of the emotional baggage I was carrying around.

This year its all about getting the oomph back. Seriously know no clue what that is but I thought a pair of aviators should fall into that category. The story goes way back when I was dating a sailor my affair with aviators had started. Trust me men in uniform + aviators is one hot combination. Although that was the case I never thought that I personally could pull off one until this time. Trust u are gonna see more of these flashing ma eyes baby.